Lightweight Model for the Prediction of COVID-19 Through the Detection and Segmentation of Lesions in Chest CT Scans

Lightweight Model for COVID-19

  • Aram Ter-Sarkisov
Keywords: Convolutional neural networks, COVID-19, Lesion segmentation, Lesion detection


We introduce a lightweight model that segments areas with the Ground Glass Opacity and Consolidation and predicts COVID-19 from chest CT scans. The model uses truncated ResNet18 and ResNet34 as a backbone net, and Mask R-CNN functionality for lesion segmentation. Without any class balancing and data manipulations, and using only a small fraction of the training data, COVID-CT-Mask-Net classification model with 6.12M total and 600K trainable parameters, achieves 91.35% COVID-19 sensitivity, 91.63% Common Pneumonia sensitivity, 96.98% true negative rate and 93.95% overall accuracy on COVIDx-CT dataset (21191 images). The full source code, models and pre-trained weights are available on
